Lulav: Palm Branch
You need one Lulav.- It should be straight.
- The leaves should be together.
- It should not be dried out.
- The top should not be cut off.
- It should be at least 15 inches long.
Hadas: Myrtle
You need 3 Hadasim for each Lulav.- It should be green and not dried out.
- The top of the branch should be whole.
- The leaves toward the top should be in clusters of three.
Arava: Willow
You need 2 Aravos for each Lulav- It should have long and whole leaves.
- The edge of the leaf should be smooth.
- The top leaf should be intact.
Esrog: Citron
You need one Esrog.- It should be bumpy.
- If it grew with a Pittum then it should not be broken.
- If the Esrog never had a Pittum, it is kosher.
- It should be larger than an egg.
- No part of the Esrog should be missing.